
fact or fiction friday

i mentioned wednesday in my wtf post that i had an appointment to start the ball (no pun intended) rolling on a vasectomy. i had the appointment and you will never guess the name of the doctor that will be snipping me.

wait for it ...

almost there ...

let me introduce you to dr. richard chopp. Yep doc dick chopp. go ahead and google him.

btw, you will learn a little tidbit about me that i have never revealed in this blog if you check out the good doctor. if you figure out what i am talking about, feel free to post it in a comment.

1 comment:

Bunny said...

That you are in the Austin area?

You have mentioned before that you are in Tex-ass, even west Tex-ass, but never what metro area. So now we know. :-)

Or am I missing something else?